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What the heck is a company wide publishing blackout?

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Just Curious, Oct 12, 2020.

  1. Castegyre

    Castegyre Active Member

    There's an older episode of South Park where Kenny's dad says something like, "When you're unemployed weekends are meaningless." Yeah. They're also meaningless when you work a job where you don't even know what days off you might have week to week, if any. They're about as meaningless as trying to keep normal hours when you constantly find yourself trying to get home before the sun rises. I don't know how many times I've wished I was at home with my kids, or even just my pets, instead of preparing some other family's holiday meal for them.

    These companies know that they have tons of customers, fans, who have little to look forward to on the holidays other than logging in to play their game. Every time I see where one of them comments about wanting to spend time with their family on the holidays I wonder if they might have been one of the same families I once worked my ass off to make sure they had a nice time on that same holiday. I doubt they'd care if they were.

    In hindsight I don't really regret the years I spent working for family or others in such circumstances. It has greatly changed my perspective on how the world works, though. The world doesn't stop because it's Turkey Day or whatever any more then it does when it's Sunday in a Blue Law area or after 5 pm on a weekday. The servers aren't turning off for the birthday of Baby Jesus, so suck it up and be a good service provider.

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  2. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    Not this year.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    Right. I almost said that. All the more reason to be in the office. /cracks whip.
  4. Anaogi

    Anaogi Active Member

    Not even going to go into the Charlie Foxtrot that is Holidays 2020. And I'm going to stop there before I say something regrettable.
  5. Dorothea987

    Dorothea987 WhysperWynde alt

    Who is Benito? Is this someone that we should be aware of? Somebody whose a Dev at Daybreak or Dark Paw? As per this "publisher blackout" .. why mention it at all I wonder?
  6. Dorothea987

    Dorothea987 WhysperWynde alt

    Very cool, that is on my birthday and it is past now. So did it start? Any good? I generally don't do BETA's.
  7. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    Benito is somehow a big deal on the EQ forums and played EQ2 a while ago. He's become the teacher's pet on the EQ2 forums, scolding people regularly for perceived slights against the game, acting like a duly deputized forum moderator, and defending literally any pricing, development, or marketing decision as completely normal and reasonable. He wades into threads that are not about him and throws in walls of text about how the above posters simply do not understand the brilliance of the devs but he's going to set them straight. He is Benito -- destroyer of threads.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
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  8. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    He is absolutely not a big deal on the EQ forums. He barely posts there at all actually and it's usually either something fluff or cross-posting things to the EQ1 forums that are going on in the EQ2 forums. I'd say that his posting are so meaningless on both sites that he can almost post the same thing, verbatim, on both sites and no one would know.
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  9. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Dorothea987

    Dorothea987 WhysperWynde alt

    Thanx for that posted URL link Feldon; I got a lot of info from it ~ or more like ammunition I guess. lol

    As per Blackout this is neither here nor there but the first time I ever heard of a blackout was from an online Swedish friend who said he had white and black weekends. ??? What the heck are those I wondered? Well white weekends are where he drinks alcohol but still remembers what he does and stays at least semi-conscious BUT black or blackout weekends are drinking to passing out and remembering little to nothing.

    So when I see Publishing Blackout mentioned I just think of my Swedish friend and suppose that the publishers are faulty or excessive in some way and have given away LITTLE TO NOTHING in form of information about it. Heh
    • Funny Funny x 1

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