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Will you be buying the new expac?

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by CoLDMeTaL, Aug 25, 2017.

  1. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    This is my thoughts on the game ATM.


    I plan on being there when they finally shut it down. I for one am still having fun, and as long as that continues, I will continue to play.
  2. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    Funny thing that trade-skilling has become something I look forward to...

    I went all the way to DoV without doing any of it, now I'm a pretty dedicated Tradeskiller.

    Shame that couldn't have hired Domino back and let her work on the sig line from at home.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Dizzy

    Dizzy Active Member

    I concluded that Domino voted with her feet. I doubt that you will see her back again.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    She left the country and went back to Canada because of the current political situation in the USA. Which I think is a discussion for another forum all together.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    I remember something similar happening a couple expansions ago (tov maybe?). Domino was working the eq2 next project and virtually nothing was done tradeskilling wise beyond spells and crafting writs. It wasn't until she came over to help that anything got done.
  6. Ansom

    Ansom Member

    Yeah... and at the end they coming out with a 5min timeline.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Dizzy

    Dizzy Active Member

    I understand that's what was mentioned as well but I think you will find it had more to do with the state of the studio. Working remotely is possible and does happen even for games.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Xakrein

    Xakrein Member

    I agree.

    The main reason I recall seeing mentioned for Domino leaving DBG, was her being worried that if she returned to Canada, the USA may not let her back in? If so, quitting her job over that seems excessive. However, if she was looking for an "out", it was a smart way to exit.

    Future employers are not going to question why she left DBG, beyond said reason. The manner in which she quit DBG also has the added benefit of no negative comments made against her former employer, or coworkers. That means no bridges were burned (that we know of).

    Of course, pure speculation on my part. The only person who knows what was actually going through Domino's head, is Domino. Even if she tells someone she left because of <reason>, does not mean <reason> is the truth.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Charlice

    Charlice Active Member

    Maybe I'm being too cynical, but I can't see them rushing to get the tradeskill line done once the expansion goes live. Once players have reached 110 in tradeskill, is there really much point?

    I enjoy tradeskill particularly my carpenters so I'll wait and see what happens before I purchase the expansion. I hope the no recipes thing is just a bug.
  10. Nolus

    Nolus Member

    On tradeskills - I have to admit I don't have my hopes up. Escpecially since Domino is gone. :(
    • Agree Agree x 6
  11. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    I'm just completely boggled that they haven't even decided on the art selection for the carpenter recipes. The time for that is LONG before beta.

    Skimming the beta forums it looks like a LOT of the things hitting the beta server should have been eliminated via internal QA... which makes me think they no longer have that at all.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Inire

    Inire Not really an evil duck, just misunderstood.

    do me a favor?

    1. are you running on windows 10?
    2. if yes to 1, type Win + R and type winver in the box that pops up.
    3. put in the version of windows that is listed. for example, here's the pop up on my gaming computer


    the version, specifically the OS build is what I am looking for. I suspect that the DX9 changes being rolled out via the Creator's Update may be making for some "miracle performance" that some people are seeing with the beta.
  13. Endymion

    Endymion Active Member

    I'm actually wrestling with the question in the thread title right now. XD I skipped ToT and KA, but I have friends coming back for PoP that I'd like to play with again. I had a 90-day game card sitting around so I've been tooling around on my Channeler, finally sucking it up and doing my epic 1.0 and then starting on my 2.0 pre-reqs while I watch the PoP beta forums to see how things turn out there before I plop $30 down on it. Despite all of my trash talking, I do actually wanna play EQ2 again, but I'm not going to play it for the sake of playing it (even with friends) and the last couple expansions haven't really done anything for me. I'm hoping PoP will be good enough to convince me to pick it up, but I'm expecting I'll get tired of the game before my sub runs out again.
    • Fishy Fishy x 1
  14. Inire

    Inire Not really an evil duck, just misunderstood.

    oh. gosh.

    oh no. not you endymion.
  15. Uxtalzon

    Uxtalzon Member

    Saw the live-stream and shook my head at how predictable it would be. Nothing but adverts for spending more money, and very little if any information about the expansion itself. And of course, Holly was there watching, but not participating. As usual. Do they think by putting cute girls up front will get more viewers or something? Beauty is skin-deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone.

    I've said it a few times on the forums, that for me to buy the game, requires effort on their (Daybreak's) part to convince me to. They've done nothing but the opposite. Haven't logged in, in over two months. I find it more fun roaming dead empty EQ1 zones as a level 1, than knowingly setting myself up in EQ2 to spend, spend, grind, just to stay relevant.

    I only check the forums for either a small glimmer or hope or some acknowledgement of the giant growing pile of smelly bullshit P2W they keep trying to ignore exists.
  16. Endymion

    Endymion Active Member

    With the way things are going, probably not me, but I want to keep an open mind. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Irgia

    Irgia New Member

    I was going to buy the expac until I heard about the missing TS content. Add the poor decisions about the guild harvesters/goblins/ponies and I decided not to. Raising a critical voice on DBG forums has now lead to a warning, and since I am questioning the validity of the warning, I'm likely headed for a ban... So instead of buying 2x expacs for my household, I've cancelled the subscriptions in anticipation of being banned after 19 years on EQ/EQII.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  18. CoLDMeTaL

    CoLDMeTaL Active Member

    I caved, the epic 2.0 will be easier at 110 than 100. I tried a ton of other games and nothing was taking up my free time like EQ2 even solo. I am getting an Xbox so maybe this will be the last. Good Journey all!
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Zhaanish

    Zhaanish Active Member

    I'm not buying an expansion for the first time ever. I'm one of those primary crafting/deco people and also enjoyed solo/molo/duo (husband) play. Husband quit some time ago, so now it's just me. I stopped playing sometime after doing the TS and Adventure signature questlines for KA and realizing I could no longer keep all of my alts up to speed with ascension (I like having several alts maxed out). It just wasn't fun anymore. I also let my membership go. I pop in during each holiday so get more holiday currency/items with my pack ponies and to buy new recipe books from the festivals "just in case" I come back, but at this point I think it's very unlikely.

    Hearing there is no TS line "yet" and no new carpenter recipes made the decision not to buy pretty easy. I doubt I'll put any more money into the game at this point even if I do periodically log on to get time-limited recipes. I don't even enjoy decorating like I used to. Having to use an outside layout editor just to get tiles to place properly isn't fun anymore either (huge thanks to the developer of that tool - it just shouldn't be required).

    I know the attitudes of the company representatives and such are important, but what really matters to me is, "am I having fun?" I haven't been able to say yes to that question since ToT and KA just really solidified that the answer is "not anymore" for me.
  20. Zhaanish

    Zhaanish Active Member

    How do you like the housing in ESO?

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