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[PS2] [Problem] Querying fields

Discussion in 'Census: Planetside 2' started by neurohamm, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. neurohamm

    neurohamm Guest


    The different collections accept filter paramters such as:


    However, I have some problems using the API. It seems that:

    • Not all the fields are searchable (for example http://census.daybreakgames.com/get/ps2-beta/characters_event/5428010618038112001/?type=DEATH&c:limit=1&attacker_character_id=5428010618030928897 does not filter by attacker id)
    • there are secret fields (like 'type' in the above query)
    Is there information on how I can filter specific channels? Has anyone had any luck using the characters_event query in their own applications?


  2. JoeyTan

    JoeyTan Guest

    Hi, you're right, we're still working towards a more unified solution to our queries but just a little bit of background as to why certain params work on certain queries and not others.

    mainly it is because census as an api abstracts the fact that we are gather data from multiple data sources, namely game services, game dbs, etc.  as such, depending on the data source and how we "join" the info together some fields may or may not be available for filtering.

  3. neurohamm

    neurohamm Guest

    Ah, so no intermediate reporting database? I guess SQL access is right out of the question then :)

    Oh, well. I'll hang on until you're out of beta before going much deeper. Thanks!


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