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Priest Epic 2.0 Research & Discussion

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Administrator, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Soteria

    Soteria New Member

    There is a picnic blanket looking thing with a bunch of prayer scrolls to erollisi mar in Kelethin also, but no clue if they've always been there since I never go to Kelethin
  2. Daalilama

    Daalilama New Member

    Me thinks I am going to be drinking heavily until this damm quest starter is discovered...
  3. Anaogi

    Anaogi Active Member

    I've already checked out for the holidays. I'll come back to it next week, when either someone will have made the breakthrough or I won't be as stressed over it.
  4. contralo

    contralo New Member

    I found more prayer scrolls in south q
  5. Anaogi

    Anaogi Active Member

    Someone doublecheck the Erollisi deity quests to make sure they aren't part of that, please...
  6. Lojask

    Lojask Member

    Love's Foundation Looks like a match for the scrolls, so I guess we could disregard those. However reading through that line, a lot of it was against Ulloruuk, and someone has hypothesized elsewhere that Ulloruuk could be tied in, as she is the deity of betrayal, and that seems to be a big theme.
  7. Ersa

    Ersa Guest

    Those prayer scrolls are for the Erollisi deity line
  8. Gaealiege

    Gaealiege Member

    The fighter epic has at least a single tie-in to the guardian epic with the NEW Steel Warriors. Perhaps we should reread the transcripts for the priest epic questlines.

    I haven't been able to find a location where those have been uploaded though. I remember next to nothing about the lore involved with Dream Scorcher and know absolutely nothing about the other priest epics.
  9. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    In Nektulos Forest at there is 'a hidden tunnel' behind a fallen tree. Not all ascension lvl 5 priest are able to see it, so there is some other requirement as well.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    Clicking on the tunnel zones you into the 'Sanctuary of Divine Unity'. (Three day timer)
    There are several things that are clicky. The only option (right now) is examine







    And finally, the back of the tunnel with nothing that highlights... yet.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Monstuhr

    Monstuhr New Member

    So this cave thing. Neither I nor Soteria can see it. However, Jamisia and I was told *** could see it. I am trying to compare quests that both Jam and *** completed that Sot and I have not. I started with the HQs. It looks like the following quests were completed by both *** and Jam but not by Soteria or myself:

    Strange Black Rock
    Reaching Blade of the Assassin
    Stein of Moggock
    Eye of Power
    By Hook or by ...
    Sources of Malediction

    Feel free to double check in actual quest journals or on eq2 U - all four profiles are open.

    Not -

    Sources of Malediction
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  12. Praezeptor

    Praezeptor New Member

    btw your coords are wrong (-1,304.52, 13.37, -755.74) leads not to the tunnel entrance. The point on your map is -1308.45 13.47 -754.59 118.74 0.00 0.00 but looks great for the priests. I cant see as a fighter and my wife with his warden (not do the sigline, no epic 1.0, lvl100) as well cant see. So good luck with the new hints.
  13. Monstuhr

    Monstuhr New Member

    Okay I also went through the Thalumbra quests. There are no quests that both ***/Jamisia completed that both Soteria and I did not complete.

    As for Maldura quests, there are two:

    Goals in Shoals
    Return to the Pillars

    That were completed by Jam/*** but not Monstuhr/Soteria

    No Obulus quests completed by Jam/*** that were not also completed by either Monstuhr/Soteria.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  14. Monstuhr

    Monstuhr New Member

    Signature Quests. Looks like Jam/*** completed the following quests that were not completed by Monstuhr/Soteria:

    Footsteps of Dartain: Emergence (but on further)
    In search of lucan
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  15. Inire

    Inire Not really an evil duck, just misunderstood.


    List of OF quests to verify that you've done them all Just In Case (from Errrrrorrrrrr in discord).
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Inire

    Inire Not really an evil duck, just misunderstood.

    Metadata overlook on the files that have changed since the epic 2.0 hunt went live.

    Note that this does not mean the zones were edited for this quests, there's lots of reasons these zones can change... but it might narrow the field.

  17. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    Yeah, /loc gives the wrong coords.. went back, typed /loc and then put the coords in /wa and they were waaaaay off. Just removed the waypoint.. and am glad I included a screenie of the map!
  18. Drdope

    Drdope Guest

    I can't see it yet, either. I'm lvl 5 Asc. Templar
  19. Lojask

    Lojask Member

    Okay I'm going to go plant a flag and see if I can see this tunnel, then if I can't knock out each of these quests to see which one may be the most likely prereq. I get the feeling it might be the SF ones though.
  20. Erevis

    Erevis New Member

    My inq cant see it (lvl 5 ascension), not at all surprised either since hes a noob.

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