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More wasted resources or Kander making stuff up?

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Just Curious, Jul 9, 2018.

  1. Pink Poodle

    Pink Poodle New Member

    Literally who plays MMO PvP anymore? :/
  2. JimmyBananas

    JimmyBananas Guest

    MMO PVP...has a penchant for cannibalizing itself. The most obnoxious players always seek to abuse it as quickly as possible, thus ensuring that the more casual players leave/no longer bother because they aren't having fun. As time goes on, it's left to groups of griefers vs. groups of griefers, and the "good feeling" of easy wins is no longer there, thus the "community" further whittles itself down. At this point, they go on the forums and talk about "how great/fun/honorable PVP was" and how much everyone loved it, which is a raging pile of bullshit that just about anyone can smell. Assuming the developers are stupid enough to make a new PVP server/event/etc., just repeat the list.
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Just Curious

    Just Curious Member

    GW2 has a pretty strong PvP community. Not sure about other games.
  4. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    That's mostly w v w v w though, right? I haven't messed with the PvP since launch, but I know there were some tweaks.

    GW2 was designed with that concept in mind from the ground up, it wasn't added on as an afterthought to appease/draw in that subset of players.

    My pet peeve is the retarded <edited for content> mounts so many games keep adding. Magical rabbits, giant ducks and squirrels are great! fun and cute and all that, just stop making them <edited for content> neon, with fart sparkles.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Neiloch

    Neiloch Member

    I suspect this is why they hate 'PvE' alternatives as well like PvE shards/channels/servers. They entertain some idea they are going to some how trick, coerce, convert or through attrition force players into PvP by taking away alternatives. Things like 'early level rich PvE' 180 turning into open PvP and loot grind. 'flagging' systems that ultimately punish the PvE focused for even trying to be pure PvE. The only reason to not allow PvE friendly systems is because they KNOW it will drain PvP since people won't be FORCED to engage their subpar PvP systems.

    When in reality PvE'ers aren't going to convert or settle, they are just going to outright leave if they can't PvE on their terms without PvP interference.

    Advertising and marketing try the same crap. Free clip of a show getting millions of views? Free advertising for their show and channel with advertising that WORKS because people are seeking it out? You gotta take that **** DOWN. Gotta replace it with clumsy systems for acquisition and forced advertising that is in an arms race with ad-blockers so potential customers can come to resent you instead.

    You want more people participating in PvP? Make it better and make it 100% optional INCLUDING not being the clearly faster/easier/better choice of advancement. Don't bait and switch or try to nuke alternatives. It doesn't work. It hasn't worked. It will never, ever work.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  6. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    Everyone in Black Desert, right?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    Eso has a very strong PvP game, and by and large, they manage the systems pretty well.

    That being said, PvP zones are segregated from the rest if the game, and, PvP is a smaller population subset from the rest of the poulation.

    I fear AOC's insistence on making PvP a game wide environment will keep a lot of players away.

    I played eq2 PvP for many years, but eventually, I rolled on Crushbone because there were times when I just wanted to quest, harvest, and enjoy the stories without feeling like I was being stalked or facerolled by a ganker group plowing through the zone.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to think all that stupid crossbow crap might have been about testing mechanics and ideas for an eq br mechanic.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. dalu

    dalu New Member

    Nagafen was a great server, great people. Unmonitored chat most of all.
    There were groups, there was farming, there were people who jumped you when you were questing for AA points.
    There were also gimmicks like abilities making sense on a PvP server vs not making sense on a PvE server.
    There will always be losers who jump into the fray unprepared, ill equipped and expect to come out the winner. This is never going to happen.
    And if anyone makes it into happening (aka the game designers) there is not point in playing anymore. Because what am I paying my sub for?

    Late Nagafen was full of assholes and dumb-asses. Power tripping fools who never had any kind of power in real life and were compensating for that in the game.

    WoW level-scaled all their content and it blows.
    They've added a PvP toggle switch.
    The result is, previously almost everyone on a pvp server would ignore the other faction's players but now if you're PvP enabled all you'll get is PvP battles. But I wasn't playing on a PvP server exclusively for PvP. It's not the game for that. I'm talking about EQ2, not this shitfest WoW.
    I played on PvP because there was a long-term motivation of acquiring best items and becoming fully mastered (nowadays that would probably be full-grandmastered) before moving on.
    But then again I was genuinely interested in the game's stories. However once you'd done them all you don't want to do them again. Then every new character you create wants to hit max level asap to get on with farming for gear so you can beat the next guy up or defend against ambushes or assaults. Gear is all that matters in EQ2.
    So you raided and the PvP aspect gave it purpose. That pattern piece you loot is going to contribute a whole lot to your survivability against other players. Later that was made away with by PvP and PvE gear separation and stats, lethality and pvp mitigation.
    And a horrible grind that was done in BGs.

    Meridian 59. Old ass game. But great in design.
    You could have a battle ready character in 2 weeks. 2 w e e k s. Not 10 months. 4 weeks of hardcore grind and you had a maxed out character, if you knew what you're doing, if not it took longer.
    Never mind the social aspects.
    But even that game became boring. What do you do when you're maxed out?
    You start ****. Guild wars. Faction wars. Become a murderer, become a murderer hunter. Run a guild. Raid guild halls.

    Master of Orion. Idk how many played MOO1.
    Every time I took over a galaxy I wanted the game to continue. I wanted to invade other galaxies, to battle their inhabitants.
    How do you solve this? Maxed out or max level, nothing to do, what do you do? And why do you do?

    DAOC. RvR level grind once you're maxed out.
    Zerg vs Zerg. Yeah it was a blast back in the day, also the warfields were a blast back on Naggy, CL/Ant battles, KP zerg.

    However a new PvP server now in EQ2 would need different mechanics and MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY more players.
    Combine that with the asshole attitude of DBG. ****em
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Zhaanish

    Zhaanish Active Member

    This is what every game development company should listen to - it's the truth.
    • Agree Agree x 6

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