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Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Mermut, Jan 20, 2020.

  1. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    Wow.. condescending much?
    And, no, there is nothing about posting in the bug forums that is linked to any sort of dev replies 'in kind' or otherwise.

    Also, please refrain from back-handed accusations of agendas, accusation, etc.

    Additionally, I am starting to find your hypocrisy exceptionally wearing. Don't sling insults, accusations and inuendo on one hand and then claim others are doing the same and condemn them on the other.

    Since beta I have documented and posted problems with itemization. I provided examples, consquences and past precedents.

    I compiled a list of outstanding issues right before beta ended with what we knew (and mostly didn't know) about the resolutions.
    There has been ZERO feedback about itemization, on any level, from the dev(s) in charge of it. The ONLY change was to make Mastercrafted fabled gear WORSE.
    And yet I remain civil and mostly constructive on the official forums.

    You, however, seem to be going out of your way to provoke people. I will refrain from posting my speculations of your reasons, but speculations are all I have, because you have, repeatedly, refused to answer questions about what your purpose and goals are.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  2. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    Chaos Descending may have been relatively bug free compared to expansions which received more criticism. That does not make it objectively good. It's still a product of the current team who do great art and torturous itemization and mechanics. They're designing a game for the hardcore raider and min-maxer assuming there is a mountain of fansites available to help the "little guy". There isn't.

    You feel that the game team keeping everything close to the chest is a wisened business decision, rather than some lazy bullshit that Kander and Caith somehow convinced Holly to go along with. I think there's a lot that.
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  3. Charlice

    Charlice Active Member

    • Funny Funny x 4
  4. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    I refuse to accept the premise of the argument that player power is not for sale on the marketplace. If players are banned for daring to broach this topic they are welcome to discuss it here.

    Proud rabble rouser since 2008.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2020
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 6
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Benito

    Benito Banned

    This escalated fast.
  6. Benito

    Benito Banned

    That's your opinion. That's fair. I don't believe in conspiracy theories without hard evidence.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Lock It! Lock It! x 1
  7. Charlice

    Charlice Active Member

    Except that's not just opinion, it's fact.
    And you can reply to me too if you like, but I won't see it.
    • Winner Winner x 4
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  8. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    I suppose a few days in the official forums and a few more here might seem fast to some.
    But, you have, consistently, refused to answer questions, so there is no longer any point in posing more to you.
    Unless you change your demonstrated behavior, you will not answer questions or reply in a constructive manner. Unless that changes, I will cease to engage with you.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Winner Winner x 2
  9. Benito

    Benito Banned

    I responded to you in a professional manner. Am I a dev? No. Are you are dev? No. You admit that we are both engaging in speculation. I agreed that you have valid points and it was best addressed through established channels. What more do you expect of me?
  10. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    No attention is the only effective way to deal with this particular type.

    I commend you. Your longsuffering patience is a prime example of my assertion that you, and most others here, are more polite and have better manners than I do.

    Not once have you used the words 'liar' or 'retard'.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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    • Shocked Shocked x 1
  11. Meneltel

    Meneltel Active Member

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  12. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    Expecting documentation on the decisions of the design team of a privately held non-open source software development company is not a reasonable ask.

    I've been writing about SOE and EverQuest II since before there even was a Marketplace or free to play. I think my 12 year history observing and writing perspective pieces, visiting the company in person, and attending 7 Fan Faire events while mingling with developers and receiving various information under nondisclosure agreements, puts me in a better position to speak from experience about this company than you.

    My article on the Daybreak buyout included details that the company assumed I had an insider within the company feeding me info. HR and management conducted pointed interviews with several staff and people's jobs were threatened. John Smedley tried to reach me by phone. It likely took months if not years for the EQ2 team to shake the cloud of distrust my article created. The publication of that article was the last day I had access to any insider information about this company.

    Back to your indifference to the impact the marketplace has had...

    At first the marketplace only sold cosmetic items.

    Then it's sold items which took a small amount of player effort to acquire.

    Then it started selling vitality potions which are the equivalent of a 5x experience potion and which cannot be acquired through gameplay.

    The trend has continued with Ascension spells taking months to acquire through gameplay but seconds to acquire with a credit card.

    Content now seems to be balanced around spell upgrades and items which can either be acquired through months or even years of gameplay or immediately through purchase on the marketplace.

    The evolution of the marketplace while gradual has been obvious to anyone willing to look.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 8
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    When I'm speculating about where DBG is *going*, I'm just having fun. For example, I've been speculating that DBG is moving to mostly eliminate the crafting game.

    When I see folks on the OF venting frustrations about RNG related problems and calling for fixes, I might take a minute and lay out why I believe they're wasting their time.

    Like you noted, all you need to do is reflect on past behavior. Bugs broken mechanics are *usually* addressed quickly, but questions about design decisions are almost always ignored - completely.

    So, my hypothesis atm, based on how crafting and itemization are being handled, is that they're working toward a p2w raiding game with a deco game component. What we've got this year is a bunch of useless filler intended to get people "acclimated" to a new reality.

    A bunch of customers will get ticked off and leave, but that's fine with Longdale. She expected them to leave anyway and this way she pulled some money out of them first.

    That's my theory.

    Regarding any other "conspiracy theories", yeah, I look at what they say and what they do. Currently, anyone who believes customer welfare is a priority is drinking some seriously potent kool-aid.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 7
  14. Benito

    Benito Banned

    I am not claiming to be a better authority than you nor am I questioning your credentials. Can your claims withstand scrutiny (evidentiary levels) from a layman's perspective?

    I won't litigate the merits of your article, your journalistic privilege, or your editorial decision making. I will be careful with this point. There are statements that I can make but I won't.

    Experience potions have been sold before EQ2 was released (expansion claims on EQ1).

    I don't think the threshold of upgrading spells is prohibitively high since you can acquire upgrades through diverse in-game avenues such as in-game drops, trade-skill, spell training (with timer reducers offered in game), in-game market/broker, in-game events (Dragon Attack), and/or waiting for expansion upgrades.

    I don't have the demographic data but individuals below the age of majority are few and far between. Adults can govern themselves with regard to marketplace purchases. Yes, there may be a sliver of people who are not of sound mind to make purchases.

    Edit: For individuals who fall under not of sound mind or a minor who abuses a parent's credit card, many companies (not even talking about credit card protections) have policies to reimburse after an investigation (likely a one-off).
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2020
  15. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    I differentiated experience potions and Vitality potions.

    Have you actually played this content, or are you parroting what devs have told you?

    You are really showing us your hand here. Raw unfettered unchecked unregulated capitalism is your jam.

    You have no objection to toll roads and toll lanes on tax-funded roads, gambling, or a powerful marketplace. Anyone who does is mentally incompetent or lacks the self-discipline to avoid them. We get it.

    It's pretty revolting to read, but we get it.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  17. Alarra

    Alarra Active Member

    I have done at length research on the Dragon AA ward bug, it has not received any dev feedback. Not a peek nor a boo.

    The combined amount of likes for both class archetypes of Priest(6 likes) and Mage(3 likes) that have been reported is 9 likes. I don't know what their internal threshold is, but there it is.

    Priest Feedback:
    Dragon AA "Reprieve" not providing correct ward regeneration | EverQuest 2 Forums

    Coercer Feedback:
    Coercer:AAXP:Dragon:Scaled Protection - Not regenerating correctly | EverQuest 2 Forums

    Combined Testing:
    Dragon AA Line Self Ward Bug Testing | EverQuest 2 Forums
  18. Benito

    Benito Banned

    I don't want this to devolve into a political discussion. That's another rabbit hole.

    There have been several initiatives by various governments (state, federal, foreign) to regulate loot boxes specifically. And legislative proposals seem aimed and narrowly tailored to protect minors. This is a recent example by a U.S. Senate Republican:

    U.S. Regulation of Loot Boxes Heats Up with Announcement of New Legislation

    U.S. Regulation of Loot Boxes Heats Up with Announcement of New Legislation

    I am setting the parameters of an acceptable argument in relation to current law while stating that Daybreak's in-game alternatives may be adequate enough not to cross the threshold of "manipulative design" (which itself is a debatable concept). My references are not personal attacks but legally applicable criteria (contract law).
  19. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    Just to be clear: You're addressing whether or not the cash shop in EQ2 has taken definitive turn into P2W territory, not whether loot boxes break United States law or not, correct?

    Since there seems to be some disingenuous attempts at redirection going on in the 'rebuttals'.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  20. Benito

    Benito Banned

    For a "good defense", I am doing both. I am stating that Daybreak offers enough adequate in-game alternatives (e.g. in-game xp bonus events, spell upgrade routes mentioned above) that it doesn't cross into "manipulative design" (which is a concept that is debatable and remains to be defined). But even if Daybreak crosses that threshold, I am also stating, per Feldon's statement (my mention of protected classes of minors and mentally ill in contract law), that such "practices" are not against U.S. law.

    From the article:
    U.S. Regulation of Loot Boxes Heats Up with Announcement of New Legislation

    And before you say the law's language proves that my opinions are wrong (this is not passed legislation), the bill's protections are only triggered on minors.
    • Lock It! Lock It! x 1

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