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Interesting news

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Shmogre, Mar 6, 2020.

  1. Castegyre

    Castegyre Active Member

    Benny is like a medical waste transport container loaded with needles and plutonium that you find busted open in the middle of a cow pasture. No matter how careful you are trying to get the syringes and radioactive waste cleaned up, you're still going to get **** on you.
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  2. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    OMG! Could you send him an angry koala in the mail? I've heard those things are MEAN!

    (calm down. as satisfying as it might seem like it would be sometimes, i don't advocate physical violence)
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  3. Zorvan

    Zorvan Member

    Benito doesn't like that I called EQ1 rusty. lol
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  4. Charlice

    Charlice Active Member

    • Funny Funny x 5
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  5. Arazons

    Arazons Member

    God I hope she doesnt go to pantheon.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  6. JimmyBananas

    JimmyBananas Guest

    I've never understood the "bubblegnome" mentality, but you see it on every MMORPG forum; people who'll defend absolutely every decision the company makes, even if they burned your house down and punted your dog off a bridge. They'd refute it with, "Yeah, but it was just once!" or "We should be grateful it was only our dog!"

    If there's a product/service I like, I always make sure to fairly criticize it to help it stay on the straight-and-narrow. These people, however, amass en force to put down conflicting opinions like fanatics hunting down blasphemers. Hell, on the WoW forums, people were openly high-fiving each other over getting feedback topics shut down. I won't even sign up for FFXIV's forums -- good or bad, I just don't want to know.

    The fanaticism seems most prolific from people who've clearly been on a single game for too long. I remember watching a few podcasts for other MMORPGs where it seems like, every few minutes, they were compelled to smack-talk another game in the genre with claims that were either extremely outdated or flat-out wrong. It's people like these that allow game companies to get away with the shady practices that they do.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  7. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    I learned both how to throw and take an e-punch on the Kilrogg general forums for WoW back at release (started three months after). It was freaking online brutal. Even folks that agreed with you would take shots.

    When I played Rift, I logged in to the forums for information, I didn't post.

    When I played FFXIV, same thing.

    When I played ESO, same thing.

    I'm currently playing GW2, and I don't think I've gone to the forums in over a year or so, when I looked up some technical thing. I use the heck out of the wiki and a few other sites, though.

    And here's the thing - when I was super active playing EQ2... I didn't go onto the forums, except for Homeshow, and almost never posted. I was playing the game.

    All in all, I think that represents the average player. Generally, people don't think much about feedback when they're satisfied and add to that most people are more likely to speak up when they're dissatisfied.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  8. Charlice

    Charlice Active Member

    For me part of the game is the forums. When I got banned I stopped playing. Same thing happened in Rift, I must of mellowed now. :rolleyes:
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  9. Adoninilol

    Adoninilol Member

    I'll never forget that SOE-LIVE live stream for COE on twitch back in like 2012/2013; if I recall it was around 80 messages a minute talking about her nose. I would feel bad, but then I remember she let Kander put like 1k Potency on each item in EQ2 to "break the rules"


    Anyways, her and Smokejumper quite literally took this entire game and ruined it, afaik she has done a few things that were smart for the community based on what I do know; but overall good riddance.

    I do not however think she is leaving the Everquest franchise and is instead going to start working strictly on making Everquest 3. May be tinfoil, but this new Austin game developing smells like some fresh **** just waiting to turn into Holly Vaporware.
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  10. Sweatypie

    Sweatypie Active Member

    A powercreep of 379% per expansion across 16 expansion wont end well??
    Several system stacked on top of each other wont end well??
    Not listening to the playerbase wont end well??
    Not updating the engine for 13 years wont end well??
    Having zero creative ideas wont end well??
    Not merging servers when people have been screaming for it for 5 years wont end well??
    Not having modern MMO tools wont end well??
    Treating your customers like dirt wont end well??
    Having 13 community managers over 15 years wont end well?
    Saying communication will be more open moving forward and then saying nothing wont end well?
    Not planning for the future but throwing ideas on the table 11 months before each expansion is due to release wont end well?
    Not updating the tools you use to work on the game wont end well?


    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
    • Winner Winner x 8
    • Funny Funny x 3
  11. Nawtey

    Nawtey Member

    Well put. Though my opinion of Dreamweaver is starting to slip as other posts are removed and Benito’s forum diarrhea is left alone, stinking up the place. Assuming DW is the one doing it, of course. More posts removed today, still no warning or anything else in my inbox.

    Wonder if my Candyman comment about Kander will make the cut?
    • Like Like x 4
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  12. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    I have had my theories about this in the past. Kander may be doing it himself, but more likely, he or others on the design team are pressuring CM's to sanitize the forums.

    No doubt he's in serious cover-his-own-ass mode with this expac, but likely especially so with Longdale out the door.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 7
  13. Cindrax

    Cindrax Active Member

    Their servers are so f-ed not even the devs can login.....

    Edit: During the years since I quit eq2, I pretty much played gw2 every day, cannot remember ONE time I was unable to login, or that the servers were down.
    • Like Like x 4
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  14. Tkia

    Tkia Active Member

    But Benny has given Dreamweaver PERMISSION to delete his posts if necessary, so it's all good. :rolleyes:
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 3
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  15. Errrorr

    Errrorr Active Member

    Dreamweaver is likely just following the forum guidelines.

    While Benito is a glorified a-hole, most of his posts are usually within guidelines. A lot of responses to him, are not.

    Honestly if people just stopped responding to him the world would be a better place. It's pretty sad how he gets so much focus.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  16. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    Well, they are now. That was nowhere near true before a week ago. He and a few others are on ignore.

    Problem is, the only time I log-in is to post something, so I end up seeing his drivel anyway.

    I bring my comments about his **** here cause I know it's gotta drive him bat **** crazy.

    Yeah, I'm f***ing with him.

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
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  17. Arazons

    Arazons Member





    Benny cant even be bothered hold his ground when called on his bullshit... Oh I was just joking
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  18. Castegyre

    Castegyre Active Member

    Actually taking responsibility for that would require humility. Humility requires self-awareness. You might as well ask Benny to change lead into the Solid Gold Dancers.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. Dano84

    Dano84 Active Member

    First Benito is an active eq1 player but not an active eq2 player, by his own account. He only logs into the game to check the broker on Skyfire to fuel his crafting book theories, as you see in his posts.
    If someone doesn't play eq2 active he/she shouldn't post the way Benito does.

    Secondary his "assumptions" that everything will turn out good, despite the state of the Game/Expansion and everything related. Sometimes it looks as he believes he sits at a table with Holly/ now Jen, Kander, Caith & Co when design/game decisions are being made, just that arrogant.
    This is just to stir "s...t" into an already emotional turmoil on the forum.

    Last his need to have the last word, there is no self reflection.

    Since he is an active player/contributor in eq1, as vouched by other people, he should just stay there.
    I am going on a limb here but i assume the eq1 and eq2 forums have the same login details, so Dreamweaver cant ban him from one forum without the other forum too. That is what benito is counting on.
  20. Oranorn

    Oranorn New Member

    If you're calling him out on this, you're also calling out half the people who post here! :p

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