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c:limit on c:resolve

Discussion in 'Census: Planetside 2' started by K1Ram, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. K1Ram

    K1Ram Guest

    Hi All

    Am having some issues with using the API to do some heavy lifting.

    So its a PS2 query, but i assume its the same for EQ.

    Basically I am getting an outfits data, and then using c:resolve to grab the player data at the same time, so i just need to do one query, And this works fine for smallish outfits, as can be seen here


    but if I pick a big outfit, I invariably get time-outs or some other error, due to the size of the data. (Sorry SOE for the error message, its often not true, i should fix that sometime :) )


    So what I wanted to do was to split this up into a few calls to the soe server, each getting about 100 characters. I currently use the following call


    But the c:limit only affects the number of outfits in the return, not the number of characters in the members list.

    {     "internal": false,    "outfit_list": [ <<<<< This list is limited I think >>>>>        {            "id": "37511770385198092",            "name": "PublicUtilityGroupZealots",            "alias": "PUGZ",            "leader_character_id": "5428013610484427313",            "member_count": "66",            "members": [ … ],  <<<<< This is still the full number >>>>>            "time_created": "1.362683819E9"        }    ],    "returned": 1,    "timing": {        "character-ms": 34,        "characters_online_status-ms": 12,        "outfit-ms": 4,        "outfit_member-ms": 7,        "total-ms": 275    } }
    So my question is, is there any way to limit the number of members that are returned, and where the start point is like c:limit and c:start.


  2. Feldon

    Feldon Guest

    As far as I know, the only thing you can control in a resolve is which fields are returned, and you're already doing that.
  3. K1Ram

    K1Ram Guest

    Ah, thats a little annoying,

    I guess I can get the player ID's from this list, and then get a list of the more specific info in a separate call to the API.

    Cheers for the answer though, I was just hoping I was wrong :)

  4. K1Ram

    K1Ram Guest

    Oh foolish me, there is a separate outfit_members query which you can limit appropriately.

    a good case of rtfm there, sorry all.

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