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I got banned for making this thread [Suggestion] The only way to make KA content viable for grinding

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Wurm, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

  2. Dizzy

    Dizzy Active Member

    Shoot the messenger applies I think.

    Personally I am waiting to Tuesday to see what the end results are like and work out how I can best grind tithe afterwards.
  3. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    I don't know, I've been basically playing to help two guildies that came back after taking a few years off. But they are so far behind we can't even get a foothold in KA heroic content. I easily average over 100 million dps, but with both of them only hitting 20 to 30 million we take forever to kill even trash. And it really is only the potency making the biggest difference. Tithe in its original form was an OK idea. But now its taken on a life of its own, and I think its hurting the game in a terminal way.

    I'd also like to know who they balanced the KA zones around. Everything seems to have way too many hitpoints.
  4. Coiled

    Coiled New Member

    To me, at 20.5k potency, tithe doesn't make an extremely extreme difference. A huge portion of the potency boost is just from gear, much of which can essentially be gotten solo or with little grouping. The reset timers are being lowered by 75%. You can still do solos for exp (and decent potency gear).

    I don't really get your suggestion about getting rid of all the low potency gear, and putting in rare mobs with rare drops. Because many of the heroics give what is essentially best in slot gear, even for many raiders. They are just somewhat rare. You want to make good drops not rare or put in rare gear as an extra compensation. Your solution is practically already in the game - rare, good drops.

    As it stands my regular groups kill heroic bosses in 15-30 seconds. The dps output for people who know their class and with their epics and ascension abilities can easily range from the mid-hundred-millions to the billions. And this is made possible by soloable and groupable content. Naturally, as you progress through dungeons and your epic 2.0, and gather gear, you will get better and better over time to the point where the dungeons don't take as long.

    I started at 20-30 million dps too. But I got better gear and got better. Now I easily do 500-600 million in a group. The heroics became easily manageable when dps in my groups had an average of maybe 100-150 million - which isn't too far from where you are.
  5. Widem

    Widem New Member

    EQ2 is currently a huge dumpster fire. Instead of addressing the fire Radar just bans people talking about it.

    Most of Gninja's posts are 90% "lets keep this civil" and 10% "We are constantly reviewing mechanics"

    Civility is kinda over at this point. Most of the players hate them for their sheer incompetence in not only vision, but also implementation.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. CoLDMeTaL

    CoLDMeTaL Active Member

    Perma banned, or vacation?
  7. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    Till the 11th
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Jontom

    Jontom New Member

    I would not blame the few Dev remaining. Overall it is Daybreak for cutting staff which does not allow testing or any type of balancing. When I see healers DPS as T1s it telling me that the game is getting close to it last leg which is a huge shame. I have spent a large part of 11 years playing it and the light is off at the end of the tunnel.
  9. Dedith

    Dedith New Member

    100m dps was the suggested minimum for heroics that Kander suggested. Many guildies I see are running 200m+.. Any jewelry needs to be at min 500-700+ potency. Look for the mastercrafted jewelry that's high potency if you need to. You can reforge around for other stats, but get that high enough and you'll do much better in heroics.
  10. CoLDMeTaL

    CoLDMeTaL Active Member

    100m dps for each member of a 6 party group? or 100m dps total. Because the one time I went in a heroic in KA the BL was doing 600m and the rest of us less, and it took forever for anything to die, and the scripts are horrible. of course I was just learning them.
  11. Dedith

    Dedith New Member

    100m each as a minimum. Some of the heroics are quite beefy with health too (remnants anyone?) I only do about 60-70m as a berserker and I've been carried through some zones by folks doing a lot more.. (conjy was 200m, bst was 600m, troub was 150m, other berserker was 400m, etc)
  12. lillya

    lillya New Member

    I was tossed by Gninja today for 'excessive negativity' from the discord chat. I'd love to go back, but can't find a working link anywhere
  13. Inire

    Inire Not really an evil duck, just misunderstood.

  14. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    I am no longer participating in Discord. I have removed myself and uninstalled the application. I have had enough of the non-constructive conversations between myself and the developers. And since most dev communication on the forums has ceased in favor of Discord, and since I was browbeaten for wanting to repost news from Discord to EQ2Wire, well, I'm fresh out of options.

    I've been fighting for EQ2 for 8 years don't have a lot to show for it except player goodwill. Maybe someone else can do better.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 2
  15. Rosyposy

    Rosyposy Active Member

    :( I'm so sad, Feldon! There is no excuse for the snarky attitude of certain devs. You definitely have player goodwill. I would not be where I am as a player today without EQ2U and EQ2Wire; "thank you" is so inadequate.
    • Like Like x 3
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  16. wiouxev

    wiouxev New Member

    Oofta :\
    What'd they do Feldon?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2017
  17. CoLDMeTaL

    CoLDMeTaL Active Member

    I don't know what drives their (The Devs) decisions. Other than profit of course. It seems like they are trying to drive away players so they can justify shutting it down, milking it along the way for all they can and 'gotchas'
    • Like Like x 1
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  18. lillya

    lillya New Member

    The discord link doesn't work. It says it's expired or invalid. Starting to wonder if I was perma-banned. If so, I didn't deserve it. I really wasn't happy with the changes, but it's the only place to find info.
  19. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    Why would they NOT want the information shared? That response is totally baffling....
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. Democyde

    Democyde New Member

    Official forums are a dumpster fire, so I'm in absolutely no way surprised to read that discord is trending down the same path.

    I'll be the first to admit that there's a lot of negativity and pessimism on the forums, but I think that has generally been born out of the frustration players feel from watching the game we enjoy be grievously mismanaged through several expansions worth of content, not actual malice for its own sake. Those people mostly left years ago for sunnier MMO shores.

    Instead of smashing dissention like a dictator, listen. Every complaint might not be right or justified, every solution might not be feasible because of mechanics, budgets, or personnel constraints. We do, in fact, understand, and want to work with the remaining few to improve what we share, not drag it down into a Stygian abyss.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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