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Fighter Epic 2.0 Research & Discussion

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Administrator, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    and we're looking for books now, and he says that fighter guilds with a strong gladitorial history would be the best place to look. make me think the Steel Warriors, since the guild hall is built into a colloseum
  2. Sheydie

    Sheydie Guest

    I finished part 1 - but the Captain is telling me I'm not strong enough for part 2....do you have to be ascension level 6 for step 2? Any thoughts?
  3. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    yes you have to be asc lvl 6
  4. kabuz

    kabuz Guest

    I am on step "I should look at Slaviss" Did I miss something completly obvious... again ? (Editing to not spam with messages)

    TY Erevis I must been blind like a bat when I was in Keep :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2016
  5. Erevis

    Erevis New Member

    you need to hail Slaviss, who is next to the Captain in The Keep.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Fireborn

    Fireborn New Member

    I have entered the cashe in BBM and clicked on all four items in there. then I went to GD but I am unable to see the cashe. Did I miss something or am I missing a pre-req?

    I compared my guy (fireborn) to Genghes, Raenius and Meilay to see if there is a quest that I am missing and there is roughly 10 that I can tell that could be the requirement. I even checked between factions and the only faction that stands out is the Claw of Veeshan. They all have +50k and I only have +41k

    I am hoping that its not completing a certain collection or raid zone.
  7. Emoss

    Emoss New Member

    Are you in the cave system underneath the ice?
  8. Fireborn

    Fireborn New Member

    I' m in the cave at the Loc -136, -408, -175
  9. Headbusta

    Headbusta New Member

    If you went into the cache next to Unrest and clicked the 4 items, if you hit escape or just closed out of the dialogue box that pops up on the 4th item it doesn't count, you actually have to click the text in the pop-up so the 4th item becomes un-clickable. Then the cache in GD will show up.
  10. Fireborn

    Fireborn New Member

    Guess I will be going back to check when I get off work. Thanks for the info
  11. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    Anyone found any of the way of the warrior books he sends us to find?
  12. Dyrtidieds

    Dyrtidieds New Member

    Are the starting city timelines required to see these caches?
  13. kabuz

    kabuz Guest

    stuck on "Receptacle of Time and Space" any hints ?
    None of Jorlaks books are clickable for me.
  14. Ansom

    Ansom Member

    Same here
  15. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    it's not Jorlak. read the text, he says that the books were looking for, the Way of the Warrior, might be held by people with faith in Gorynn and/or a strong gladiatorial tradition. I checked the steel warriros guild hall, but going to check the new steel warriors in Ant and the prolly see about the area the Bruiser peic started in freeport and maybe check the Court of Pain. we might have to do the Tynonnium Shackles questline. that was all gladiatoriual combat stuff too.
  16. Shmogre

    Shmogre Active Member

    Aye, the City of Freeport and City of Qeynos questlines. Make sure you do the archetype subquests in there as well.
  17. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    here's our hint on where to look in his text:

    The Captain says:" Well, I believe anyone who has ever followed the writings of Gorynn, anyone who has had gladiator customs of beliefs may have access to books written by those who followed the Father of all fighters. There were some books called The Way of the Warrior. I believe these texts may hold the keys to the Receptacle of Space and Time."
  18. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    so no books at the Qeynos Steel Warriors hall, didn't find any at the Tabernacle of Pain. heading to Freeport.


    Nothing in Freeport that I found, nor did the Bruiser epic quest giver talk to me. going to try the steel warriors in Ant
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2016
  19. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    noting from the new steel warriors in ant
  20. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    checked the Champion's Court in Maj, found nothing. starting to think it's in an instance someplace. Maybe the new Zek, or Kael or Drunder.

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