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2020 Ethereals - Benito II Electric Bugupyourbutt

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Dano84, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. Wulfgyr / Erytheal

    Wulfgyr / Erytheal Active Member

    I don’t wonder at all. Not worth wasting the effort on.

    My personal belief is that it is protected because it is a dev’s secret sock account, whose sole purpose is to try and distract from the absolute **** job they’re doing with the franchise.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Popcorn Popcorn x 1
    • Fishy Fishy x 1
  2. Mizgamer62

    Mizgamer62 Active Member

    One of the most powerful tools that we have as consumers and voters is power of the purse.

    Money, and in this case the lack there of, is the only thing that every one seems to understand.

    Our words are an important tool, but as we have seen with EQ2 in this case, those get ignored. Our money disappearing can't be ignored.

    P.S. If they want to protect Benito aka the Clown for whatever reason, it will only further damage their customer relations which are already in the toilet.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  3. Clementine

    Clementine Active Member

    I suspect Benito is a whale and as such DW is probably toothless against him because DPG is a whale milking operation and you can't ban the whales. I could be wrong but it's the only reason I can think of, unless he has some connection to Daybreak itself somehow. Which come to think of it with the awful monetization ideas he has maybe he does work for Daybreak...
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Devil Devil x 1
    • Fishy Fishy x 1
  4. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    These folks aren't making any money. We've seen the financials.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    Except he doesn't PLAY EQ2, by his own admission.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  6. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    He's probably useful for encouraging people not to use the forums.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Winner Winner x 3
  7. Clementine

    Clementine Active Member

    Oh I'm assuming he's spending money in EQ1 and not 2. But who knows, I'm probably wrong. I just can't imagine why DW lets him run rampant otherwise.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. EvilTreerat

    EvilTreerat New Member

    Because Dreamweaver is yet another incompetent whose only interest is protecting his turf and ego. Any other consideration - such as fixing the shitstorm EQII and its "community" have become - is at the bottom.

    Time to face facts. The Everquest brand is dead. All that is left are a few clusters of nerves firing on autopilot and some muscles running by cannibalizing the rest for energy.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
  10. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    Between that and this thread:
    DBG Issue Tracker down or gone ? | EverQuest Forums

    I cannot believe anyone even bothers posting bugs anymore. Daybreak DOES NOT CARE. They have expressed for 20 years and counting the complete disdain they have or fan sites and inability to recognize the thousands of hours of work that people do for FREE for a game they pay for. They spit in our face and people are apparently ok with it.

    It would have been trivial to export the data, scrub out any personal info (Why would you upload personal info to a fan-run bug reporting site?), and reprocess it into a simple textual public archive. I could probably do it in a couple days of work.

    The only reason I stopped capturing the EQ2 Beta forums is they made it IMPOSSIBLE to do so. Since Blood of Luclin, they made it so you must buy the expansion and login with that account to read the Beta forums. I've saved 2.3 million posts from the EQ2 forums going back to 2004. When EQ2 sunsets, I'll archive the forums if I can and keep it up, at least for a year or two.
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 5
  11. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    The game, both of them literally would have died expansions ago w/o 3rd party fan sites. Magelo, EQTC, Raspers, EQ resources, Wiki, EQ1/2 Maps and various other map sites, EQ1/2UI, Allas, EQ2Wire, etc... Doing this Artisan Prize aug multiple expansion going back decades worth of content I have used 5 sites I didn't even list along with those I did. I'll probably write a guide for it when I'm finished to consolidate info I gathered from the dozen sites I used. I certainly ain't doing it for DPG though.
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
  12. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's just me and my well-documented love affair with our illustrious former executive producer, but watch the first 10 seconds of this clip.

    Am I the only one who comes away feeling like she wants people to believe WoW has always been her first love?

    'Cause I mean, she said the same thing to EQ/EQ2 customers.

    I acknowledge that my perception could be biased. I'm just curious if anyone else gets the same vibe.

  13. Wulfgyr / Erytheal

    Wulfgyr / Erytheal Active Member

    Well, they got one thing right in that title banner....

    With Holly involved, it's sure to be a con..... ;)
  14. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    No way in Karana's green Norrath she's not a lizard person.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  15. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    The interesting thing about that round table was all the talk about stuff like: listening and responding to customer feedback, flexible but consistent design policy, the rebuilding of the classic game on a modern game engine, etc

    I mean, she has a budget to work with now, so maybe she'll do all the things she didn't do at DBG.

    I still don't trust her though. We've heard all that "this my dream job" crap she said in this clip as EQ franchise folks, and the Activision component of the company is not far off what DBG was under Epstein.

    Be interesting to see if she has a plan to start loading p2w and cutting resources over the next several years.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. Endymion

    Endymion Active Member

    I mean, I don't know about WoW being her actual first love since EQ literally predated it, but she definitely played and was knowledgeable about WoW during the time I worked with her, and given what EQ/EQ2 became over time I wouldn't blame her for preferring WoW for her playstyle at that point. EQ2 wasn't my favorite when I worked on it but I still had a fondness for it.
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
  17. Sweatypie

    Sweatypie Active Member

    Was it even fun to work on EQ2 with all the old tools required, a cluster fck of a code and a playerbase that have been extremely unhappy and only getting lower and lower the last decade and not enough man power or ressources to do what is and was actually needed?
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
  18. Mizgamer62

    Mizgamer62 Active Member

    One of my biggest issues is that they are still charging the same prices for the base expansion and monthly subscription as when the game launched.

    If the quantity and quality were there, then I wouldn't have a problem with that. However, as we all know, that isn't the case. Not to forget the performance issues, poor customer relations etc.

    If the developers or other powers at large lose their enthusiasm for the game and its players, that is beyond my control. At the very least, don't keep charging me the same prices for crap.

    I know that it's my choice to pay and play. I am just saying that if they at least acknowledged the problems and as a nod to customers reduced prices, that would at least elevate them in the eyes of their remaining loyal player base and maybe encourage a few to come back or new players.

    As it stands, aside from nostalgia, habit, or friends, I don't know how people can continue to enjoy the game as it stands. No offense intended.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Wulfgyr / Erytheal

    Wulfgyr / Erytheal Active Member

    IMO, it has more to do with the sunk-cost fallacy, Stockholm syndrome, fear of the unknown / "outside" world, or feeling like a "big fish" in a small pond because their credit card put them near the top of the parse. Enjoyment outside of occasionally taking time to appreciate the visual artistry of landscapes while waiting for a lag spike to pass probably doesn't have much to do with it. Just my opinion, though.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  20. Castegyre

    Castegyre Active Member

    Investment. It's one of my problems with most MMO role players and role play communities. People invest so much time and resources leveling up a character and more becoming involved and invested with a social group that the idea of anything bad happening to their character becomes something akin to a personal attack. They are their character, that character represents an extension of them. Meanwhile, LARPers and table top players often show up with 2 or 3 extra character sheets just in case they get a bit dead. It's understood that the player is worth more than the character, but MMOs seem to flip that around in both group and personal expectations.

    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2

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