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Bimonthly Patches?

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Feldon, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    The answer to the first -1 = the answer to the second ;)... well, assuming that itemization was 'right' when EoF was first released.
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  2. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    I just spent 20 minutes reading itemization threads in the TLE forum. There's some really interesting things in there. It amazes me that they can get it so so right in EQ1 and so so wrong in EQ2.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2020
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  3. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    This is how they've grown accustomed to doing things.

    (1) Push the work out.
    (2) Let your customers find the bugs/errors.
    (3) Decide if they care about fixing them.
    (4) If so, get to them whenever
    (5) Communicate nothing along the way.

    Clearly, Caith is just pressing his tool button, pasting the output, and throwing it out to players.

    The fact that they are asking people to pay $700-$900 (min) for such willfully poor quality, and Longdale's seemingly not giving a **** about it, supports the theory that she's harvesting eq2.

    She loves her some "OG EQ1" - That's what she likes to talk about.

    Note that the designers at EQ1 treat customers like they matter.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. Tkia

    Tkia Active Member

    This is the bit that baffles me the most too. When you don't have the resources to get the new stuff working properly why in heaven's name are you even contemplating wasting what you've got by poking at old stuff that worked fine before you poked and broke it?
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  5. Dano84

    Dano84 Active Member

    That is my point working now on Expansion for 2021 is "ambitious" to say the least. Casuals /Crafter already speaking openly going somewhere else and that means less subs.

    Casuals /Crafter and i believe High end player as well are not going to pre-order Luclin Part II just to be in Beta and disappointed.

    That is under the assumption that nothing changes and no communication the next months.
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  6. JimmyBananas

    JimmyBananas Guest

    I genuinely feel bad for the people who are still trying to squeeze enjoyment out of EQ2. There's nothing worse than getting home from work/whatever you were doing, hankering to play a specific game, and then remembering five minutes into it that there's nothing but frustration/disappointment in store. Kudos to those who can pull it off -- I hope things get better.

    My wife and I quit EQ2 shortly after Thalumbra and into whatever patch brought along that orc zone revamp. We mostly have fond memories of the holiday stuff and negative memories of everything turning into an insta-kill boogaloo, but have never once even considered going back -- especially not with how those developers treat people. I'd honestly say that this is worse than how they treated EQOA. They threw in stat resetters, promised that changes and fixes were on the way, and then abandoned us in the turd-filled sandbox until they came back to shut it down.

    After EQ2, we moved over to WoW for the duration of the Legion expansion (which was a lot of fun) and then some of the Battle for Azeroth expansion (which turned out to be the antithesis of fun once you reached end-game) before also moving on from there. I'd say we've happily found a new home in FFXIV, but if I knock on any more wood, there'll be nothing left of my knuckles but a bloody pulp.
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  7. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    Cast quit way before I did. I hung on until about halfway through KA because of friends that played.

    FFXIV is a solid game with a huge amount of stuff to do across the entire spectrum, and even harvesting as a profession is relevant and lucrative. (unless there have been major changes since last I played)

    Every game declines, though, that's the nature of All The Things, some just do it with more grace and integrity than others.
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  8. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    You kinda answered your own question. They can't respond to or provide what players are asking, so they will instead respond with platitudes and "just hang on a little longer". 2 years and counting for class balance and some people are still waiting with anticipation. You can't buy that amount of blind loyalty.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  9. Nawtey

    Nawtey Member

    Harvesting is very viable, as is gear produced by crafting classes. The ability of harvesters to learn "stealth" is a great idea/mechanic, for example.
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  10. Nawtey

    Nawtey Member

    Isn't that pretty much the definition of a cult?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. Charlice

    Charlice Active Member

    I honestly don't see how they're going to be employable after EQ2 ceases to exist.
    I currently hate them all.
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  12. JimmyBananas

    JimmyBananas Guest

    Yup, we're loving the game currently. We rushed to catch up on the basics by the end of Stormblood, and from there have been cleaning up other side stuff and working up our crafting/fun jobs. The latest four raids are a little dancy for my tastes, but ocean fishing is a lot of fun. I also like that I don't feel like I have to play constantly to keep up with things.
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  13. RhodrisNZ

    RhodrisNZ Geographically Challenged

    Really??! I have to investigate this further (I haven't got further than the areas directly outside a couple of the cities so far).
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  14. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    It looks like this site has up-to-date guides for all of the jobs (complete with gear) and assorted game play, including fishing.

    Have fun, and gimme a screenie of your character!

    EDIT: It helps if I put the linkie.

    FFXIV Botanist Leveling Guide (80 Shadowbringers Updated!) – FFXIV Guild
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  15. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    Can you be more than one crafter class at a time or 1 class per character?
  16. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    In FFXIV?

    You can have all 11 non-combat jobs - crafting and harvesting.

    From what I remember, you can't level them with your elbow while taking a nap, though. It takes just as much of a time (and coin) investment to level as a combat job.

    EDIT: On one character. Stupid brain is stupid today.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2020
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  17. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    I've installed and played FFXIV a few times. Even bought it after a trial ended at one point but damned if I can remember which email I used. I installed the free trial tonight and remembered why it never stuck. The screen is just so damn cluttered. It's one of those things that really bothers me. I can't turn off PC names, or at least I gave up trying to figure out how. Either way I played for awhile, just doing quests and whatnot, and I'm sure I'll play it some more.
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  18. RhodrisNZ

    RhodrisNZ Geographically Challenged

    Under System, Character Configuration there are several side buttons, one of which is Display Name Settings. Click on that (third from the bottom) and along the top of the main window are several tabs: own, others, NPCs and general. Make your changes, click apply and you should be good to go.

    Usually the first thing I do is find out how to customise the HUD, including hotbar positioning. I found the tooltips for abilities would cover other ones on the hotbar when mousing over them which was incredibly annoying, then I found out how to either move them or disable them completely (through the Character Config windows again). The game is incredibly customisable - I hate having a cluttered screen as well, so have moved hotbars to the bottom of the screen and vertically along the edge. My screen display now almost exactly mimics the one I run in EQ2.
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  19. Castegyre

    Castegyre Active Member

    The HUD must be made to submit.
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  20. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    Thank you. I didn't look all that hard, was just messing around, and yes the tooltip was driving me crazy. I'll mess around with it some more tomorrow, well today. I'll probably end up buying it eventually but not sure when. I got a job offer I shouldn't refuse so I'll be travelling with that quite a bit pretty soon. I may not have time for any gaming, which is fine, it's usually a winter thing anyway.
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