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Stop talking about other people and don't have fun at other people's expense.

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Benito, Feb 2, 2020.

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  1. Benito

    Benito Banned

    I think there are two rules that can bring peace to the EQ2Wire forums:

    1. Stop talking about other people - don't talk around them, don't talk behind them.

    2. Don't have fun at another person's expense - don't joke about someone not present.

    No one likes this behavior at home or in the workplace.

    I am not singling anyone out. This is my humble opinion.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
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  2. Meneltel

    Meneltel Active Member

    There is peace here. The only real problem seems to be with you. Learn to deal with it, for this is a big world and there will always be someone who takes a disliking to you, whether your fault or theirs. Learn to accept that you will not always win every argument.

    Reminds of a scene in a Tarl Cabot book where 2 philosophers have a very public argument and each walked away sure they were the winner. Tarl comments that when he duels someone, you can tell who won by the winner walking away and the loser bleeding to death.

    So if you aren't happy here or willing to take criticism or even veiled insults, time to find someplace that is willing to cater to you. We don't cater to people. Most of us either state what we think or just ignore it and move on. I have no life, but I still don't always post something. Only if I have a good quip or I think I have something worth saying.
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  3. Benito

    Benito Banned

    I can absolutely walk away. What holds me up is that one or two individuals will likely continue to gossip about anyone with a differing opinion. They need to grow the f*ck up.
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  4. Sweatypie

    Sweatypie Active Member

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  5. Meneltel

    Meneltel Active Member

    People will talk. Let them. But they may be right about you. Take a good look in the mirror as if someone who just met you was looking and listening to you. Quote by Robert Burns: “O, wad some Power the giftie gie us To see ours...”
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Errrorr

    Errrorr Active Member

    In all honesty, just walk away. It's equally as childish to care about what people gossip and fight back at it.

    There are no winners in these situations, only lots of losers.
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  7. Clementine

    Clementine Active Member

    I know this forum isn't the most active in the world so allowing a troll to run loose isn't the end of the world, but at the same time I'm kind of getting tired of reading his nonsense. Can it at least be kept to the dedicated Benito thread?
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
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  8. Zynt

    Zynt Active Member

    This is not stoic at all. It's like non-stoic af.
    • Winner Winner x 4
  9. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    I agree.

    Overall, I think we here on the Wire react to each person, even each post, individually, whether that reaction is positive or negative depends on the tone that person sets (and sometimes past history on the OF).

    And when someone stomps in like they're trying to Godzilla Tokyo with passive-aggressive and aggressive-aggressive trolling and flame-bait, some will still try to be reasonable, while others are willing to call out the behavior and respond in kind (even if they don't feel provoked or are just in the mood to entertain).

    What those that appeal to authoritative intervention like this usually fail to comprehend is that the same rules will apply to them as well - while they're actively engaging in the behavior they're attempting to call the hammer down on.

    I think the real choice, in context of the OP, is: Pot or Kettle.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  10. Benito

    Benito Banned

    How can anyone be positive when Tekka and others set a negative tone immediately simply because they disagree with someone's view?
    • Lock It! Lock It! x 2
  11. Benito

    Benito Banned

    Did you even study stoicism? It's not Buddhism bro.
    • Lock It! Lock It! x 2
  12. Benito

    Benito Banned

    Yes, I need to stay away from these toxic forums.

    {insult removed - admin}
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2020
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  13. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's these forums that are toxic ^.

    No, it's you that's toxic, dipshit. You can cloak yourself in all the self-righteous and disingenuous imagery and reasoning you want. You're being here has nothing to do with eq2. It has every thing to do with that fact that you are merely a sad little troll using a gaming forum as a means to feel superior when in fact you are inferior and every possible aspect of character.

    You are not a hero, you are not a vicitm. You are dishonest, manipulative, and your behavior in general fails to impress anyone other than yourself. I have tried, and I cannot find a single redeeming quality about you.

    The only reason I can come up with to fathom why you are still posting your inflammatory drivel is because you are simply not smart enough to understand just how stupid you actually are.

    You won't respond to direct questions, and every time you are challenged to argue a point on the merits, you demonstrate that you have absolutely zero clue that you understand the substance of what's being discussed, choosing to shift the focus instead.

    Your over-confidence in your abilities is epic. You are exactly the opposite of everything you try (and fail) to project here.

    You are not fooling anyone, and the more you try, the more you reveal yourself.

    Good riddance.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2020
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  14. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2020
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  15. Benito

    Benito Banned

    I've literally quoted the most toxic thread I've ever seen related to EQ1/EQ2 without a single post from myself. Continue to live in denial. Your mouths are like toilets.
    • Lock It! Lock It! x 2
  16. Benito

    Benito Banned

    Troll confirmed.

    Edited: Cleaned up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2020
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  17. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    No really, keep going. More than happy to let you keep putting up more proof I'm right about you. Keep up the good work. Type something else.
    • Like Like x 3
  18. Meneltel

    Meneltel Active Member

    Benito, ill post where I darn well want to. You are NOT my boss. You can tell me what to do until you are blue in the face... at which point ill suggest you take a breath and go outside to see what the real world looks like.

    As of right now, you are legend in your own mind.
    • Like Like x 4
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  19. Benito

    Benito Banned

    • Lock It! Lock It! x 2
  20. Benito

    Benito Banned

    Edited as forum rules apply equally.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
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