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Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Tekka, Feb 26, 2018.

  1. Nolus

    Nolus Member

    I just don't understand why the hell they are deleting threads. WTH :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. Cindrax

    Cindrax Active Member

    Less then 24 hours after my comment that she never streamed any DBG games... coincidence? :rolleyes:

    In all honestly it might very well be.. or she is reading these forums **waves to Roxxlyy** :D
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    I see Kander had surfaced to remind us that he's the one actually doing Lauren's job.

    I suppose this is better than no communication. Still, he's one of the devs that should prob not be interacting with customers. I'm sure he's a nice enough person, but.... social skills and skin are a bit thin.
    • Agree Agree x 8
  4. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    Side Note:

    I wish Tom Tobey would respond to everything, mainly because of the entertainment value :)
    • Like Like x 2
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  5. Uxtalzon

    Uxtalzon Member

    I have this Dypshasia or writer's block thing that takes me a very long time to write a post, and I was in the middle of typing when Roxxlyy locked the thread. Finally cross that finish line to realize I never signed up for the race in the first place. T_T

    Anyway, my post was going to tell everyone that feedback does not work anywhere, not even the forums where Holly and Lauren are not only absent, but take seemingly great efforts in ignoring everyone. Everyone is better off reaching out to higher-ups, like writing snail mail to Daybreak's office addressed to the CEO or someone similar. Maybe submitting a ticket with constructive complaints, but you don't know who will read it, and what they respond with is even truthful.

    Even if they do nothing (which is expected), it's a much better gamble than the forums, which is nothing more than a toilet bowl you talk into. If you raise your voice, RadarX Roxxlyy dunks your head into the water.

    H1Z1 jumps out of early access suddenly + new mode very few knew of that's got plenty of bugs + player numbers on steamcharts = They had to jump ahead because it's lost too many players. They couldn't wait any longer. Announcing a new mode or leaving EA "soon" wouldn't bring players back, so Daybreak did it all at once to create a big splash of attention. Every game I've seen that leaps out of EA without forewarning is literally leaping off a cliff, but time will tell.

    It's all hands on deck bringing in as much attention as possible. Makes sense Daybreak "encouraged" employees to start talking and streaming H1Z1, Roxxlyy being one of them.

    EDIT: player numbers are barely increasing as far as I can tell, but the attention is causing H1Z1 to beat PUBG on some streaming sites. Like I said, leaping off a cliff.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    He seems like a nice person.

    He's the flash-bang in the magic trick, though. Oh ****, the natives are restless! Tobey go post something about animating danglies to distract them!
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
  7. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure ttobey still harbors great resentment toward Errrorr.

    I mean, Errrorr engineered what is likely the most stubbornly persistent and glorious troll of a developer ever.

    It was magnificent!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
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  8. Errrorr

    Errrorr Active Member

    Ttobey loves it, he's a kid at heart, and loves to do animation etc.

    It was never him who said no to the Duckmount, it was SmokeJumper. When he left, notice the mount appeared shortly afterwards.

    I love his attitude on the forums, but then he gets to do the Art side of things, and doesnt have to get involved in any of the politics of P2Win, Code, Mechanics etc. I don't see why anybody would have any resentment towards him really.
    • Winner Winner x 3
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    I love his posts :)

    I remember him becoming slightly unhinged when someone called him a graphic designer.
    • Like Like x 4
  10. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    DBG missed the window of opportunity. It continues to amaze how little they understand how "sticky" a brand reputation is with consumers.

    Not saying they can't recover, but the odds are stacked against it. It's gonna require consistent effort, patience, and financial investment, and even then, that stuff may not work.
  11. Dizzy

    Dizzy Active Member

    CN according to one analyst is very much into balancing revenue's and costs so if DB as a studio is not bringing in sufficient revenue there will be reduction in costs across the studio and not just in the H1Z1 team. I personally don't think it would be a pleasant place to work just at the moment.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    I have the duckmount of duckiness. as well as a duck warder, also of duckiness.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  13. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    SOE / DBG is what you call a naive company. They sell a product and they just kinda hope people buy it . They're not very aware of what their customers actually want. They are successful by dumb luck.

    In contrast companies like Disney plan the entire experience for their customers. They are completely in tune with what their most loyal customers want and expect.

    Are You Deliberate with Your Customer Strategy or Just Taking a Chance? |
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Fishy Fishy x 1
  14. Semperfidelis

    Semperfidelis Member

    Are you guys still bitching? Figures. When's the last time anyone reasonable posted anything?

    I know I'm a nobody, but why hasn't Shmogre posted here since December? Huh? You think maybe you're creating an echo chamber yet? (Google advanced search told me so.)

    Look, I really feel sorry for Feldon and how he was treated. And I feel honestly sorry to see any gamer feel as bitter as T and F do ( should be obvious who I mean), but effing christmas! When is enough enough?

    On a tangential matter, the only people who should suffer from the end of a great game is wife beaters, torturers, and Russian spies. Everyone else should have a chance to be happy.
    • Fishy Fishy x 4
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  15. Rosyposy

    Rosyposy Active Member

    Shmogre has been trying out WoW... I do not know if he will return to EQ2. He liked something here the other day, though.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Feldon

    Feldon Administrator Staff Member

    Want to challenge or debunk our complaints? Ok, put up facts. But we will not tolerate belittling of opinions that are grounded in reality. Most of what I've seen here is completely reasonable.

    You want to talk about an echo chamber? Discord and the official forums only allow glowing praise. Discord is the developer's personal bully pulpit to kick people they don't like. The cheerleading I've seen there is completely irrational and a lot of delusional people lying to themselves about how good things are.

    Want me to treat you like the devs are treating anyone who doesn't love that they're doing? I can just hit the ban button. It would be the first time I've banned a non spammer from this site since it launched.

    To paraphrase Kander: Don't like it, don't read it!
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  17. Nolus

    Nolus Member

    Did you look for mine? Oh, wait one that I really spent some time on was completely deleted. Why post if they keep deleting stuff?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Fuli

    Fuli Well-Known Member

    I do not rant because of poor product quality.

    I do not rant because of the amount of content being produced these days.

    I do not rant because of the switch to p2w.

    I rant because their business practices have been shady, and they have shown by their actions, that they do not respect their customers.

    And most importantly, I rant here because they have been trying to hide, deceive, and manipulate people into sales.

    If this offends you, sorry, but I'm not going to stop until I see evidence they see their customers as people, and not "stupid objects" from which to extract money.

    Note: when posting on the official forums, I try to state this stuff in a way that may help them see that their business practices are not sustainable.

    Here? I don't care.

    And it's not just DBG. I'm going to publicize any company that does business this way, because at least then, people will have an oppotunity to make a fully informed decision, and not one based on the dishonest manipulation of information.

    p.s I am seeing some evidence this may be changing, but I've also seen that before, only to see the shady and arrogant behavior reassert itself again.

    It may very well take an investment company like CN to slap some sense into a management culture that has shown repeatedly that their false sense of superiority > their knowledge of how to run a successful business.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
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    • Agree Agree x 3
  19. Tekka

    Tekka That Village Idiot

    I almost didn't respond because I thought this must be a troll. But I decided there are a few key things that should be addressed. If you want to call someone out, put on your big boy/girl pants and do so, don't be juvenile.

    The first: please provide an example of one or more unreasonable things that I've posted? I'll wait.

    I figured Shmogre had found another MMO, or taken a break to get into some single player games.

    The second: you are misusing the term 'echo chamber'. For that to be true, Feldon would have to exclude all opinions that don't fully support his own. I'm still here, so that refutes your point.

    What you're seeing is the result of all sides being equally moderated (or not). Folks can, and have, disagreed quite vigorously here, but that tends to put off those who are used to the 'atmosphere' of the official forums.

    It's adorable that you think I'm bitter. I know tone doesn't translate well in text, but know that I honestly mean that. I said goodbye to EQ2, the real EQ2, a few years ago. Disappointed? You bet. It's sad to see a game you loved warped beyond recognition and whored out to squeeze out the diminishing profits. But in the end, it. is. a. game. Finite duration.

    If other folks enjoy that, and think it's fine and dandy - power to them. I've never actually said otherwise, quite the opposite in fact. However, I will point out misinformation when the Bubble Gnomes post it.

    And like Fuli, I will call out shady practices. Side note - I don't agree with every single thing he says, either. Adults can disagree and still have a discussion.

    The Great Game ended a few years ago. If you enjoy the remains of it, then good for you, enjoy it.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  20. Shmogre

    Shmogre Active Member

    I'm still here. I don't feel a need to post if I'm not adding anything to the conversation, and from what I see, people are covering pros, cons, ups, and downs better said and in better ways than I could.

    I don't see an echo chamber here, for what it's worth. What I do see are a group of people who have all invested a lot of time, money, attention, and affection to a game and a community. And sadly, they (we) are seeing that game and community slowly degrade. Many of us have tried to mitigate it, have reached out to Daybreak and the devs, have posted on forums and in Discord; as many have pointed out, much of that feedback, however reasonably given, has been deleted, downplayed, dismissed, or simply overlooked. So we come here to be heard, to find commonality, and to have reasonable discussions and debates.

    I am saddened by the state of the game. I am saddened by the disconnect between the DBG team and the community. I don't harbor ill-will towards the devs; having met many of them in person, I know they are good people...but something has happened to lose that connection they once had to the playerbase. I'm not sure what it will take to fix it, or if it can be fixed, but it will not be easy and it will take a very large and very sincere effort on the part of the company (the recent outreach by Kander regarding the tradeskill line is a good start).

    Silly ogre that I am, though, I still hold out some hope. Norrath and her community are good things, I hope they pull through.

    So yeah, I'm still here. <grin>
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 5
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