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Fighter Epic 2.0 Research & Discussion

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Administrator, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    Plane of War, all three other Drunders, all 3 befallens, all the cities, Ethernere versions of Highkeep, regular highkeep, all 3 Kael instances, contested Kael, Isle of Mara tower, the monks in PoF, Maj'dul, the undercity arena, Kaladim, Thurgadin, the Rime boat out in Fens, the Ruins of Cabilis, the Tabernacle of pain, with and without max faction, have all been checked and come up empty. I'm really starting to question wether or not it's in the game.
  2. Malleria

    Malleria Member

    Just checked The Fortress Spire too and nada (was a long shot, but it does have an arena).
  3. Steel Battleguard

    Steel Battleguard New Member

    Would it be in a fabled zone like nizara?
  4. Ansom

    Ansom Member

    Prob work only with brawler (monk/bruiser), to bad should work only with bruiser..
  5. Fireborn

    Fireborn New Member

    Don't know if this is going to be helpful but that is only one way to find out....

    I have been reading the chat that Diskle posted for the start of volume 2.
    What stood out to me was
    • Slaviss mind is trapped in the past
    • "There is a ritual that involves a potion and a receptacle to hold it"
    • We were asked if we were exposed to chrono magic and if we cross temporal lines.
    • You tell the captain "I will find the tomes you require"
    What if we need to have 50k with the Chronomancers and we had to look for the new collection? I know it has nothing to do with the warrior's call, powerful fighters, the way of the warrior, or Gorynn, but the Chronomancers may have an idea how to retrieve a mind from the past...

    Here are the four collections that deal with potions: transcending life and death. Also they have no information besides that they are from KA
    EQ2U - Collection Details
    EQ2U - Collection Details
    EQ2U - Collection Details
    EQ2U - Collection Details
  6. Julianxzz

    Julianxzz New Member

    Life & Death is the concept about "Time and Space".... I think...
  7. Julianxzz

    Julianxzz New Member

    I found a green light in "The Hole"
    Near the 570,122,-85 (Skygazer Observatory)
    But I cant touch!
    What is this?

    Attached Files:

    • 11.jpg
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      115.1 KB
  8. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    it's an old quest from the hole. nothing for the epic. what we are looking for is a book, called Way of the Warrior. the talk of chronomancy wasn't a hint about where to look, it was the Captain evaluating if we would have a better shot at going into the past then Slaviis did. the only hint we have for the book is that followers of gorynn or that people with strong gladiatorial traditions might have it. nothign else in the text is a hint as to where it might be. the rest is just what happened to slaviss, and an evaluation of wether or not we'd be a better canidate for it.
  9. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    anyone tried the Xalgozian stronghold? those are all warriors/generals maybe one of them have it. I'm just flat out of ideas at this point. either it's a drop in a zone we've done but not a 100% drop rate, it's not in the game at all, or it's in some place that has 0 to do with the actual clue we were given.
  10. Thyrr

    Thyrr New Member

    Not at home so cant check...but Stormhold has a gigantic library with tomes right? Also the zone for the claymore quest....
  11. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    True, but gynok, nor his order followed Gorynn, nor did they have gladiatorial traditions so it shouldn't be there. also kander said that prekunark zones shouldn't really be part of it either. but I suppose it can't hurt to check.
  12. Pilgra

    Pilgra New Member

    I checked the tome of life and death rooms in Rov normal and Fabled. I did the normal chrono'ed down to lvl 25. I did not kill the tomes themselves in the normal mode they were not up. But I did kill fabled book of death and he dropped nothing. was a thought.
  13. Erevis

    Erevis New Member

    i figured i would save these here...

    and...quest dialogue

  14. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    Kander is a bit full of himself lately.

    So anyone know of a real coliseum in game?

    I know a few that used to be in game that you can no longer enter.

    And I know a few places (arenas) where fighters are going after each other in front of an audience.

    Hall of Rights in SoS (fabled?) for one.
  15. kabuz

    kabuz Guest

    Vaguely remember an orc arena pit where you had to do different /emotes to finish fight. Emporers Anatheum (If already checked I apoligies)
    Other then that Champions Respite if they actually would hid it in BGs......
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2017
  16. Tupperbeast

    Tupperbeast New Member

    Kander said in December that Tso is necessary for two epics, hm we have any Arena or Coloseum in TSO.
    Or the question is what presents Kander as a coloseum.
  17. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    going to repost these from the official forum

    Emperor's Athanaeum

    did the whole thing making sure to mouse over all the books and scroll on the way to the end bosses and found nothing.

    I'm now searching everything again on the way out now that all the bosses are dead.

    *edit* Nothing found.


    Just cleared Vault of Eternal Sleep now jumping in all of the pits to see if they have anything in them.

    *edit* Also nothing found.


    I was in TSO today looking around except I don't remember a Coloseum there at all.
  18. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    There's no arena or colloseum in any of the TSO zones., in fact I went through the instance lists for every expansion past kunark, adn not 1 zones has an arena or colloseuim in in that we haven't already damn checked.
  19. Ingerimm

    Ingerimm New Member

    Icy Keep: retribution has a coloseum, with mob at the chessboard. But I could not find there anything, as you possibly in the attendance stand comes no idea I have no way to get there.
  20. Sounson

    Sounson New Member

    I did the arena in the splitpaw adv. pack, but didn't see anything. I'm not good at this sort of stuff though.

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