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Fighter Epic 2.0 Research & Discussion

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Administrator, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Diskle

    Diskle New Member

    Chat from start of volume 2

    Attached Files:

    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Mystfit

    Mystfit New Member

    Thanks I added your character to my cross comparisons. Everything seems so minor. quests here and there. Nothing big. Onward we plod :)
  3. Diskle

    Diskle New Member

    Now what? ;)

    Attached Files:

  4. Brailyn

    Brailyn New Member

    Check the floor next to Jorlak in Skyshrine
  5. Diskle

    Diskle New Member

    Can anyone pick up those books by Jorlak?
  6. Hekktor

    Hekktor New Member

    is there a particular island in TT where the delicious flies are more common?
  7. Schrek

    Schrek Guest

    I have cleared the zone, and do not have a clicky anywhere in the zone that I can find. the location specified above notwithstanding. Can it spawn anywhere in zone, or is it supposed to spawn in that particular corner? I tried camping and coming back, to no avail. stuck at this point, open for suggestions.
  8. Shmogre

    Shmogre Active Member

    They are on the little islands around the edges (not the main populated islands), and are trackable when you get close if you have a ranger merc or tracking ability.
  9. Pheidra

    Pheidra New Member

    Hey Schrek,
    Just to make sure, did the space it specified point you to the corner under the ramp up to the third floor? Tucked in with a bunch of other chests/boxes?
  10. Lawlesslisa

    Lawlesslisa Guest

    Could someone please post the shield that we need to exchange/turn in to the Quartermaster to get the Initiate's Shield update?
  11. Edrickx

    Edrickx Guest

    It is the Mistmoore shield from the heritage quest "The Symbol in the Flesh"
  12. Schrek

    Schrek Guest

    are the flies trackable?
  13. Pheidra

    Pheidra New Member

    Yes, but my merc couldn't see them from very far away so didn't help a whole lot
  14. Lawlesslisa

    Lawlesslisa Guest

    Thank you. Edrockx
  15. Edrickx

    Edrickx Guest

    The Heritage quest "A Source of Malediction" deems an item called "The Paw of Opolla." The captain mentions this same gnoll but calls them "Opalla", although it is the same gnoll, not sure if there was just a type or something. Perhaps the book comes from somewhere along the quest line.
  16. Sodra

    Sodra Guest

    any updates for this step?
    The Warriors Call: Volume II

    I am looking for clues about the receptacle of Time and Space
  17. Emoss

    Emoss New Member

    Any one check the Arena of the Gods? That was a place gladiators could practice old fights and learn from them.
  18. rainmare

    rainmare Member

    Kander already said no old or new raid zones are part of the epics
  19. Schrek

    Schrek Guest

    yes, and I camped for a bit and came back, it was there. I got it updated. thanks for answering!
  20. Raenius

    Raenius New Member

    And yet I just helped to clear fabled Deathtoll up to Fitzpitzle for mages update-clickie - oh joy (offtopic).
    • Funny Funny x 1

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