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Time played per class per vehicle

Discussion in 'Census: Planetside 2' started by Ryekir, May 7, 2014.

  1. Ryekir

    Ryekir Guest

    This is purely a wishlist type of request, but it would be really nice to be able to get a break down of players' time-played not only by class or by vehicle (which are both readily available), but by both class and vehicle. This would allow for better analysis of infantry class statistics because we could ignore all time spent inside of vehicles (which likely skew the engineer stats for example).

    Is this level of detail tracked on the back-end? (I suspect it probably is). If so, how hard would that be to expose via the API?

    Other interesting information that would be nice to have is time spent in the driver/pilot seat versus a gunner seat versus a passenger seat.

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