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Registering for API access

Discussion in 'Census: General Discussion' started by Elkestra, May 25, 2013.

  1. Elkestra

    Elkestra Guest

    I looked at the API a while ago (considering an app to work with EQ2 Players data). At the time, workload pushed the project onto hold (not even sure if I registered as a Developer).

    Finally back to the project, and I find changed forums, and the links in the FAQ/census.daybreakgames.com point to the wrong locations.

    In the new setup, how do I check to see if I'm registered as a Developer, or register if needed?
  2. Feldon

    Feldon Guest

    There is no longer a separate/hidden Developers forum. Everyone can see the Data API, EverQuest II, and Planetside 2 forums. To find all the old announcements and documentation for the API, you'll want to go trawling through the Archive.

    To get an optional API key, send an e-mail to [url="mailto:data-feedback@soe.sony.com">data-feedback@soe.sony.com[/url]<span style="color: #4b4b4b"> asking to be setup as a Developer. Pick a codename like "eq2wire" or "elkestra" that you want to be in all your data URLs.

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