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[POLICY] Policy Discussions

Discussion in 'Census: Developer Announcements' started by DanKinney, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. DanKinney

    DanKinney Guest

    The population of this forum is very important - you are self-identified proponents for getting more data from SOE.  As such, you have a vested interest in helping us to decide policy that would govern the availability of this data and its impact on customers - both yours and those of SOE.

    In a perfect world, we would open all data to all comers.  However, there are some rather important issues when it comes to privacy and the integrity of the data.

    These discussions will be posted in this forum with the [POLICY] prefix in the subject.  Please contribute your feedback and opinion to these discussions as they will have a direct impact on what happens.

    I will put a locked, sticky thread over in the public forum for announcing policy changes in the same way that we announce changes to the API.

    Again, thank you very much for your input and support of this effort.  It is making a real difference.


  2. JoeyTan

    JoeyTan Guest

    Hi Guys,

    The our data policy can be found at census.daybreakgames.com along with an updated overview on the basics of the API.



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