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Peaceful Protest in my small Bay Area Suburb

Discussion in 'Coffee House' started by Mermut, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Mermut

    Mermut Well-Known Member

    With all the crazy in the world and in game...
    1k+ protestors showed up, all safely masked, and had a peaceful walk and protest.
    Police did what they're SUPPOSED to do, closed off streets to cars so the march could proceed safely.

    It's not a big thing, considering the crazy, but there was a good cross-section of the city's population showing up and walking, including the vice mayor.

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  2. Sweatypie

    Sweatypie Active Member

    I wanted to share this, I know companies are doing everything they can to save face right now by supporting the BLM but this seemed so odd when it showed up on my twitter feed.

    [​IMG] ยจ

    Do you think dreamweaver forgot to login to his personal account before pressing the heart? LOL
  3. Errrorr

    Errrorr Active Member

    That's a pretty strange thing for the EQ2 Twitter to like lol
  4. Castegyre

    Castegyre Active Member

    I live a few miles from Ferguson, MO in a very mixed neighborhood. Everything has been remarkably quiet. A few people with signs on their cars or wearing shirts, a few people doing things like lighting candles for whatever. The loudest complaints I've heard are about how the drink machines at QuikTrip are still shut down due to the County Executive's over reaction to the virus. There has been some turmoil in the greater St Louis area, but for the most part what I've seen throughout the county are people just trying to make it through the day and take care of their business. More polite smiles than fearful or angry stares. That gives me more hope than most of the posturing and pandering I've seen online.
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