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I hope someone can answer this for me... regarding the essences Warrior's Call 3

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Wurm, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    I'm doing them in order

    and when I picked up the Essence of Intimidation, the Essence or Formidability disappeared from my bag. I thought maybe it was supposed to be that way, however I just received Essence of Devastation and I still have Essence of Intimidation in my bag.

    I'd like to know if this is normal or if I'm going to have to put in a ticket.
  2. Benj

    Benj New Member

    While I was working on the quest, I noticed that some of the essences appeared in my inventory while others did not. I was still able to finish the quest. Even after finishing, some of the essences remained in my inventory, and it was safe to delete them. Hope this helps!

  3. Wurm

    Wurm Active Member

    It helped and I'm done... just in time to grind Ethereals as my one friend put it today lol

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