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How do I join using multiple "on" fields?

Discussion in 'Census: DCUO' started by zhouz, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. zhouz

    zhouz Guest

    In DCUO, it is necessary to specify the world_id for many different types of queries.

    For example, if I am joining a list of characters (by name) to the guild table ON guild_id, how do I also specify ON world_id so that it doesnt misjoin to a different server's league?
  2. Sore

    Sore Guest

    I'd like to know this as well...

    Problem URL:
    > http://census.daybreakgames.com/s:example/get/dcuo:v1/character?name=Radium&world_id=2&c:limit=5&c:lang=en&<span style="color: #ff0000">c:join=guild^on:guild_id^to:guild_id&c:lang=en
    > Radium is a US PS player (world_id=2) but this links to a guild with the same guild_id but is part of EU PS (world_id=4)

    One Solution: add terms to the join
    > http://census.daybreakgames.com/s:example/get...:lang=en&c:join=guild^on:guild_id^to:guild_id<span style="color: #ff0000">^terms:world_id=2&c:lang=en
    > The problem here is that it means we need to hard code the world_id or do a another query first to get that value. (to be fair, i was already filtering by a hard-coded world_id on the main query.)
  3. Feldon

    Feldon Guest

  4. Dedith

    Dedith Guest

    You're best bet is to do separate pulls. First get the character, then pull the guild defining the guild_id and world_id at the same time.
  5. Feldon

    Feldon Guest

    They really need to let us figure out what guild a player is in without 2 pulls.
  6. Sore

    Sore Guest

    You can do 1 pull using the terms operator if you already know the world_id.
  7. Dedith

    Dedith Guest

    The old resolve method allowed for this as they defined the joining of the two datasets. Unfortunately, that's not setup here and resolve seems to be deprecated (as I read it.)

    Here's the note on c:join:
    "<span style="color: #4b4b4b">Meant to replace c:resolve, useful for dynamically joining (resolving) multiple data types in one query. See below for details."
  8. Feldon

    Feldon Guest

    <span style="color: #4b4b4b">They really need to let us figure out what guild a player is in without 2 pulls.

    <span style="color: #4b4b4b">By whatever means they need to enable it, whether it's c:join, c:resolve, or c:unleashthekraken.
  9. airmetforums

    airmetforums Guest

  10. zhouz

    zhouz Guest

  11. airmetforums

    airmetforums Guest

    guild_id has been removed from character. guild/guild_roster.guild_id are now globally unique so joining is possible without use of world_id.

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