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Feature Request: Please Add outfit_id to EventStream and API for Base Captures

Discussion in 'Census: Planetside 2' started by Nuwien, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Nuwien

    Nuwien Guest

    Dear devs,

    with one of the last patches, you have added the "Captured by" Attribute to Basecaps. However this is not (yet?) reflected in the API nor the Event-Stream. While you can get the information for each region by which empire the region is held, you cant get the information about which outfit made the cap. So:

    1) please add the CapturedBy-Attribute to the API-"map"-datatype -> http://census.daybreakgames.com/get/ps2:v2/map/?world_id=1&zone_ids=2 so we can display Base-Ownership

    2) please add the CapturedBy-Attribute to the EventStream
    so that the Event "FacilityControl" also yields the information about the captureing Outfit.

    3) It would be even better, if you also could limit the EventStream to only yield BaseCapture-Events from a certain outfit. e.g:
    {"service":"event","action":"subscribe","outfit":["37509488620601345"],"eventNames":["FacilityControl"]} would only subcribe to BaseCaptures achieved by the outfit "outfit test"


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